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As seen on the last tab, the Hijab is being recognized as a movement, and as a positive image for all those who are muslim. This is due to the medias negative view on muslims, and associating those views with the hijab. Although women are encouraged to take pride in their head dress, many feel like they can not wear one due to their own safety. If the media did not address all muslims as being a danger to society, they wouldn't feel obligated to adjust to our western thinking and assumptions. 

CNN interviewed Alaa Basatneh, a women who has been wearing a head dress for 12 plus years, but now when she goes out side she switches to a hat. Why? she says "its no longer safe to walk on the streets with a head dress on" After 9/11 many women still wore their hijab, they didn't feel threatened or looked down on because of one single act. But over the last two years, with Donald Trump's campaign and learning about their steryotypes, they now feel unsafe to be who they are. 

According to the Huggington post, among 58 percent of those experiencing islamophobia, are women and they found that in 80% of cases, the women was wearing a headscarf, or some sort of clothing item that identifies them as muslim. Many women will stop wearning their hijab after being verbally abused to avoid the emotional trauma.

As the media continues to report stereotypes of muslims, resulting in the danger levels for their community going up significantly. The hijab should not be seen as a negative image, and the women under it should not fear for her life because of her head dress. 

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There are many areas around the world that do not allow muslim women to be treated with disrespect. The link bellow is a social experiment that takes place in Australia, this video not only shows what typical verbal abuse women wearing the hijab go through, but also shows how some bystanders react. I think this shows how important it is to shut down the negative views of the hijab.

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